Place an Order

Please read the instructions and scroll down to place your order.


  1. Choose your contact lens(es) from either or
  2. Fill out order form and submit
  3. Get fitted for lenses* (If you have been approved to fit at a show, you can skip this part)
    • Spooky Lenses will reach out to your doctor to get things started
    • Your doctor will call you and schedule an appointment for a contact lens fit
    • Go to your appointment and have your doctor confirm a good fit
    • Get a copy of your signed approval form emailed to you
  4. Now you are approved to order lenses of the same parameters and get Free Shipping!

*If you have been approved by Dr. Ragan at a show, you don’t need to be approved by your doctor as well. If a doctor hasn’t confirmed that these lenses fit your eyes correctly, you need to be approved by an eye care professional, to order your contacts.

Order Form

Your Contact Information

Please enter your full name, first and last.
Please enter today’s date in day/month/year format. The expiration date of your contact lenses will be within 2 years from this date.
Please enter a valid email address that you have access to. This is how we will contact you regarding your order.
Please enter your phone number. This is how we will contact you regarding your order.

Choose your lenses:

All selections provide one pair of two lenses, which will last up to either 30 uses or 6 months, whichever comes first. If you choose the Gothika prescription lenses, please specify the power in steps.
If you chose the Gothika prescription lenses, please specify the power for each eye (up to -6.00 in -0.25 steps).
What is the product name of the specific lenses you wish to order?

Please read the following instructions and warnings:

  1. Always wash your hands before inserting or removing lenses.
  2. Always clean and store lenses in a name brand multi-purpose contact lens solution.
  3. No sleeping, swimming, or showering in the lenses. Always keep lenses away from water.
  4. Never share your lenses with another person.
  5. Get a dilated eye exam yearly.
  6. If you experience any redness, notice any decrease in vision, pain or discomfort, light sensitivity, excessive itching, or you suspect that something is wrong; remove the lens immediately and immediately contact your eye care physician.
  7. Contact lenses are a medical device and should be treated as such. Cosmetic lenses change the color of your eyes, but the risks of blindness and other side effects are still the same.
  8. Discard lenses after the above specified time, per manufacturer.
  9. Wear for up to 4 hours at a time.
  10. Change Multi-purpose solution every time you store them and weekly if being stored.
  11. Write the date of opening and the number of times you wear them on the bottom of the contact lens case so you know when to throw them away.
What is the name of the Doctor you wish to send the trial lenses to?
Please enter the phone number for the doctor/office.
What is the physical address where the contacts should be sent to?